INDICATIONS Pains of various nature in the sacral region, mainly resulting from abdominal diseases. Pains in the vertebral column, sacroiliac complaints of indefinite genesis. Pains radiating along the vertebral column up to the head and the tip of the nose, ..
INDICATIONS Thyreotoxicosis, Basedow's disease, exophthalmia, intoxication of thyroid glands with trembling of the hands, "goggle-eye", perspiration, eventually diarrhoea and emaciation. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIE..
INDICATIONS Nausea, sickly feeling (e.g. when driving or flying), sea-sickness, nausea in pregnancy (soothing effect). Nausea as the effect of other disorders, weakness of conduction, gastric catarrh, nausea of children (atrophy and dystrophy). Acaetonemic vo..
INDICATIONS Acne vulgaris, pimples, suppurative diseases of the skin, eczema and dermatitis. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: Acne vulgaris and pimples occur at the age of puberty, when there is insuffici..
INDICATIONS Disturbances in cerebral function, weakness of memory. Faulty spiritual development of school-children, indifference, lassitude exhaustion. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: &..
INDICATIONS Injuries of all types, fracture, luxation, sprain, concussion of brain, wounds caused by fire-arms or sharp weapons, involving bleeding. May be used as a complementary remedy in feverish infections, sepsis, and in general on account of its stimula..
INDICATIONS Worms of all types, ascarides and oxyures. Subventional remedy in specific mortification processes (i.e. of a taenia). MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: R 56 is no..
INDICATIONS Weakness of the perenchymateous organs, specially of the lungs, frequently characterized by weakness of the back, nocturnal perspiration, sensitivity to colds, disturbances of the blood circulation (cold feet), lack of appetite, paleness and limpi..
INDICATIONS Muscular weakness of the heart and appearance of hydropsy and oedema of the legs. Hydropsy in the abdomen frequently due to the muscular weakness of the heart. May also be effective in renal oedema.MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: &n..
INDICATIONS Obesity, tendency to put on weight due to faulty activity of the glandular secretion. May also be used to combat incipient goitre. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: The effect..
INDICATIONS Acute and chronic gastritis, dyspepsia, chronic relapsing gastritis with or without ulceration. Especially ulcus parapyloricum. Heartburn, bad taste in mouth, frequent belching, flatulence, meteorism. Acts on the inflamed mucosa of stomach, on the..