Indications:Menstrual Troubles - Irregular menses, bright red if early, dark red if late, scanty in young girls, excessive in elderly women, painful menstruation.Dosage:4 tablets at interval of 3 hours, unless prescribed otherwise...
Indications:Acidity, Flatulence, Indigestion-Gastric disturbances, hyperacidity. Sour eructations, flatulence, flatulent colic, dyspepsia, bilious vomiting, heart burn and jaundice.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unle..
Indications:Coryza - Inflammatory, febrile catarrhal condition, Coryza with dull headache, sneezing, watery discharge.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed otherwise...