INDICATIONSLocal inflammations, acute and chronic, of catarrhal and purulent nature, with swelling of the glands. Sudden infections and high fever, with irritations of the meninges, conjunctivas and pharynx.In particular: Inflammations and suppurations of the Iymphatics of the pharynx, mainly all fo..
INDICATIONS Acute and chronic myalgia, lumbago, rheumatic diathesis aftereffects of drenchings, sprains, overstraining. Back pains of unknown genesis. Growing pains in muscles and bones.Sciatica from getting wet, from sitting on cold seat and suppressed persp..
INDICATIONS General arteriosclerosis and hypertonia. Cerebral arteriosclerosis, aortic and coronary sclerosis, nephrosclerosis, dysbasia, abdominal dyspragia. Senility, weak memory, congestion of blood, vertigo, forgetfulness, tendency towards apoplexy and it..
INDICATIONS Insomnia and various disturbances of the sleep, superficial sleep, light sleep, sleeplessness, drowsiness in the morning, weariness during the day, vivacity in the evening. Nervous restlessness and over-excitement of the nervous system. Neurasthen..
INDICATIONS Migraine, nervous headaches, neuralgia of the head, indisposition due to continuous headaches frequently resulting from an insignificant chill. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: &nb..
INDICATIONS All abnormal tissue growths, malignant or benign, carcinomata. Regenerator of diseased tissues (tuberculous ulceration).Growths and eczema affecting external and internal organs. Inflammatory and trophic rashes. Anomalous epithelial growths, forma..
INDICATIONS Inflammation of the kidneys, renal calculi, sharp stinging pains in the kidneys, pains in the sacral region.Peritonitis, metritis, piercing pains in the bladder, inflammation of bladder, burning pains when urinating, yellow urine, turbid. &nb..
INDICATIONS Endocrine dysfunction, growth disturbances, obesity due to pituitary dysfunction, respectively underweight, goitre, Grave's diseases, Addison's disease, myxoedema, etc. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:&n..