Indications:Menstrual Troubles - Irregular menses, bright red if early, dark red if late, scanty in young girls, excessive in elderly women, painful menstruation.Dosage:4 tablets at interval of 3 hours, unless prescribed otherwise...
Indications:Nervous Exhaustion - Lassitude, depression, nervousness, irritability, hysteric behaviour, loss of or impaired memory, confusion, sleeplessness, psychosomatic illnesses.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unle..
Indications:Piles - Bleeding haemorrhoids, fissures, backache; it helps in all kinds of piles.Dosage:4 tablets four times daily at interval of 3 hours, unless prescribed otherwise...
Indications:Pyorrhoea - Gum boil, unnatural looseness of the teeth, with or without pain, toothache, gums sensitive to cold, abscess at root of teeth, spongy bleeding gums, pus in gums and foul breath.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets thr..
Indications:Rheumatism - Articular and muscular rheumatism, inflammatory and febrile complaints, stiff neck, rheumatic pain in shoulders, shifting, wandering pains, twitching, cramps, writers’ and players’ cramps, cracking of joints, lumbago and sciatica.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four time..
Indications:Asthma - Bronchial asthma, dyspnoea (short breath) on going upstairs, dry tickling cough, spasmodic cough, whooping cough.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed otherwise..
Indications:Skin Diseases - Acne, cracks, whitlow, eczema, eruptions on the scalp, seborrhoea, psoriasis, herpes.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed otherwise...
Indications:Teething Troubles - Tardy dentition and troubles; cuts teeth easily; appetite and digestion are improved; builds the body.Dosage:2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed otherwise...
Indications:Scrofula - It almost covers all symptoms of both dry and suppurating scrophulous glandular abscesses.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed otherwise...
Indications:Toothache - Neuralgic pain or toothache due to unnatural loosening of teeth. Gums bleeding, swollen. Strengthens teeth in their sockets.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed otherwise...
Indications:Five-Phos-Tonic-Nerves and Brain - The combined phosphates promote tissue building and provide necessary nutrition to nerves, brain and bones. A general tonic for all chronically wasting diseases, anaemia, general debility and exhaustion with lack of vitality.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 ..
Indications:Acidity, Flatulence, Indigestion-Gastric disturbances, hyperacidity. Sour eructations, flatulence, flatulent colic, dyspepsia, bilious vomiting, heart burn and jaundice.Dosage:Adults 4, Children 2 tablets four times daily, at interval of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unle..