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SBL Bio-Chemic

Brand: SBL Model: SBL Kali Phosphorica 12X
SBL Kali Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6XKali Phos is present in the cells of the brain, nerves, muscles, blood (corpuscles and plasma), and intercellular fluids. A disturbance in the motions of its molecules produces despondency, (low, sad feeling) anxiety, fearfulness, tearfulness, home-sickness, s..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Kali Phosphorica 200X
SBL Kali Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6XKali Phos is present in the cells of the brain, nerves, muscles, blood (corpuscles and plasma), and intercellular fluids. A disturbance in the motions of its molecules produces despondency, (low, sad feeling) anxiety, fearfulness, tearfulness, home-sickness, s..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Model: SBL Kali Phosphorica 30X
SBL Kali Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6XKali Phos is present in the cells of the brain, nerves, muscles, blood (corpuscles and plasma), and intercellular fluids. A disturbance in the motions of its molecules produces despondency, (low, sad feeling) anxiety, fearfulness, tearfulness, home-sickness, s..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Kali Phosphorica 3X
SBL Kali Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6XKali Phos is present in the cells of the brain, nerves, muscles, blood (corpuscles and plasma), and intercellular fluids. A disturbance in the motions of its molecules produces despondency, (low, sad feeling) anxiety, fearfulness, tearfulness, home-sickness, s..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Kali Phosphorica 6X
SBL Kali Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6XKali Phos is present in the cells of the brain, nerves, muscles, blood (corpuscles and plasma), and intercellular fluids. A disturbance in the motions of its molecules produces despondency, (low, sad feeling) anxiety, fearfulness, tearfulness, home-sickness, s..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Kali Sulphuricum 12X
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Kali Sulphuricum 200X
        SBL Kali Sulphuricum Kali Sulph (potassium sulphate) aids the transfer of oxygen and is important to our skin, mucus membranes and respiratory systems. Desquamation (PEELING) of cells of the epidermis and epithelium which have been loosened from t..
₹115.00₹ Ex Tax:₹115.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Kali Sulphuricum 3X
SBL Kali Sulphuricum Kali Sulph (potassium sulphate) aids the transfer of oxygen and is important to our skin, mucus membranes and respiratory systems. Desquamation (PEELING) of cells of the epidermis and epithelium which have been loosened from their connection because they were not sufficient..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Magnesia Phosphoricum 12X
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Magnesia Phosphoricum 200X
SBL Magnesia Phosphoricum Phosphate of Magnesia is contained in blood-corpuscles, muscles, brain, spinal marrow, nerves, teeth. Disturbance of its molecules results in pains, cramps, paralysis. Mag Phos makes up white matter of muscles and nerve. Mag phos is a mineral supplement to restore ener..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Brand: SBL Model: SBL Magnesia Phosphoricum 30X
SBL Magnesia Phosphoricum Phosphate of Magnesia is contained in blood-corpuscles, muscles, brain, spinal marrow, nerves, teeth. Disturbance of its molecules results in pains, cramps, paralysis. Mag Phos makes up white matter of muscles and nerve. Mag phos is a mineral supplement to restore ener..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Model: SBL Magnesia Phosphoricum 3X
SBL Magnesia Phosphoricum Phosphate of Magnesia is contained in blood-corpuscles, muscles, brain, spinal marrow, nerves, teeth. Disturbance of its molecules results in pains, cramps, paralysis. Mag Phos makes up white matter of muscles and nerve. Mag phos is a mineral supplement to restore ener..
₹110.00₹ Ex Tax:₹110.00₹
Showing 25 to 36 of 58 (5 Pages)
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