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Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 101 (UTERUS TROBLESS)
Indication: Medicine for Uterus Problem, uterus Inlarged, uterus cyst or trauma and fibroids. This remedy has a most pronounced effect on the female organs, Indurated cervix, uterus fills up the whole pelvis, Ulceration of the neck of work and vagina, Dropsy, swelling of, Medicine has more powe..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 102 (VARICOSE VEINSS)
Indication:  The medicine acts upon the coats of the veins causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. A tired feeling in my arms and legs. Very sore muscles and joints, Varicose veins down legs, vein dilated, reversible blood flow at lower limbs, rectal varices.Mode of Action &nb..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 103 (VAGINITESS)
Indication: Vaginitis with vulva and Vagina Hypersensitive. A tendency to abortion, Menorriagia with a sensation of string pulling from the abdomen to back, Stitches upward vagina. Cutting pain from hip to hip.Mode of Action      Mercurius Solubilis 6x: S..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 104 (VAGINISMOSS)
Indication: Sensitive forcing downwards, Dryness of the vagina, heat, redness, and cramps of the vagina. As if all the viscera would protrude at the genitals. Dragging around loins. Throbbing & burning.Mode of Action      Plumbum Metallicum 6: Mucus discha..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL
Indication:  Ascaris, Iumbricoides and threadworms, all kinds of worms, including tapeworms and trichinosis according to zippy's 60 years of experience). They're the most common type of intestinal worm infection, and one of the most common in the world. They're thin and white, and about on..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 106 (KALAJAR)
Indication:  Anti-pyretic or febrifuge (Fever- killer) well indicated in dyspepsia, Hyperaablity, functional inactivity of the liver, flatulence, anorexia, worm troubles, etc. A popular remedy for chronic fever & Kala Azar.Mode of Action      Andrographis ..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 107 ( DENGOO FEVER)
Indication: Known as “Boneset” from the prompt manner in which it relieves pain limbs and muscles that form of febrile disease. In fever where a great deal of bone pain. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical illness caused by the dengue fever virus. Symptoms generally begin 3 to 14 day..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 108 (SWAINIL)
Indication: Hay fever, Irritation, and tingling of nose Constant desire to sneeze, Chronic nasal Catarrh, membrane sore, and excoriated influenza, with dull headache and fever. Swine flue.Mode of Action      Arsenicum Iodatum 3x: Hay- fever, Chronic nasal cata..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 109 (LICHEN)
Indication: Cannot bear the heat of the sun, All the conditions are aggravated by heat, Prickly heat, Intense itching of skin especially of lower extremities, hard, Neck & Chest.Mode of Action      Apis Mellifica 6x: Hives- Urticaria like bee-stings Erupti..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 11 (ACNAE)
Indication:  Blotches and pimples on face yellowish skin waxy. Yellowish-white flashes of heat to cheeks. Acne on the face at a young age. Mode of Action:      Calcaria Phophorica 6x: Coppery face full of pimples. Acne in the face, red pimples.shooti..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Brand: REPL Dr. Advice Model: REPL Dr. Advice® NO. 110 (LEUCOREST)
Indication:  Leucorrhoea is worse after menses, acrid and cording, speedy, and tenacious. Erosion and excoriation of the cervix. Leucorrhoea is like a white egg. Chronic yellow Vaginal discharge.Mode of Action      Sepia 6x: There was an increase of gelat..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Model: REPL Dr. Advice® No. 111 (SNOR-EM)
Indication: Snoring, noisy breathing during sleep, poor night's sleep, sleepiness during the day, at work, or while driving, and fatigue Breathing through the mouth instead of a nose.Mode of Action:       Lemna Minor Q: Stuffiness of nose, Polypi which swell in wet weat..
₹180.00₹ Ex Tax:₹180.00₹
Showing 205 to 216 of 351 (30 Pages)
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