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Dr. Reckeweg

Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R63
INDICATIONS       Peripheral vascular disturbances, acroparaesthesia, endangiitis obliterans, intermittent claudication, Raynaud's disease, cramps in calf muscles, diseases of veins.MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       Adrenalinum: Spasmolytic, ..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R64
INDICATIONS       Albuminuria, proteinuria, nephrosis, chronic nephritis, nephrosclerosis.MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       The various ingredients of this combination cover those symptoms characteristically found in the l..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R65
INDICATIONS       Psoriasis vulgaris, psoriasis-like eczema.       MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       All the chosen constitutional remedies have a particular affinity for the skin.Arsenic..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R67
INDICATIONS       Acute circulatory disturbances, circulatory shock, cardiogenic shock following cardiac failure, circulatory disturbances following infectious diseases and injuries. Chronic circulatory disturbances with tendency to syncope, vertigo and sensation o..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R68
INDICATIONS       Herpes zoster. Varioform conditions.   MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       The individual ingredients contained in this preparation are homoeopathic to Herpes zoster:Mezereum: Weeping ve..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R69
INDICATIONS       Intercostal neuralgia.MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       The individual ingredients are homoeopathic to the symptoms of the intercostal region as follows:Arsenicum album: Burning pains, ameliorated by..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Reckeweg R7
INDICATIONS       Organic and functional complaints of liver and gallbladder, hepatopathy, cholecystophathy, calculi, disturbances of the biliary secretion, hepatitis, swelling of the abdomen, premature satiety, lack of appetite, bitter taste in mouth, flatulence, ..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R70
INDICATIONS       Neuralgias in various areas. Trigeminal - and facial neuralgia. Neuritis.       MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       All remedies are homoeopathic to neuralgic pains, parti..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R71
INDICATIONS       Sciatica. Sciatica as a result of prolapse of the vertebral discs. Paraesthesias, formication in legs.       MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       Aconitum: Colds cause..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R72
INDICATIONS       Pancreatitis, diseases of the pancreas.       MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       The clinical features of chronic pancreatitis are usually ill-defined but include relapsi..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R73
INDICATIONS       Osteo-arthritis especially of the large joints, arthritis of the knee and hipjoint, osteo-arthritis of the vertebrae.MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       The ingredients contained in this preparation influen..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Brand: Dr. Reckeweg Model: Dr. Reckeweg R74
INDICATIONS       Nocturnal enuresis, bladder weakness.  MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:       The remedies contained in this preparation bring about an improvement in nervous and debilitated constitutions. They also..
₹270.00₹ Ex Tax:₹270.00₹
Showing 85 to 96 of 112 (10 Pages)
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